Saturday, June 29, 2013


Mostly Interested in the Main Street Electrical Parade Tinkerbell

Me Practicing|Demonstrating Tinkerbell Skills for the Main Street Electrical Parade

The only 1 that's really good that I kept track of I listed the time near the bottom, but all of it has a lot of practice work I tried to get out over the past month.

8:00 for @ 10 seconds -

Here's a picture of me recently:

I see they have more look-alike auditions.  I'm not sure what the parade auditions were for, wondering if the Tinkerbell they are still casting is the 1 in the Main Street Electrical Parade.  The auditions say they are still casting parade characters.  The dance we did for the specific parade audition implies that it's more for something else, like the puppets.

So, I was wondering, didn't do this last time, just had us walk up front in a group with music on and 1 Spanish lady looked at us.  I saw other people in charge there come out later, too, wasn't sure what some of them did.  We just went in the order we came.  I didn't get asked to stay out of the maybe 100 people who went, only kept 1 girl who was very tall with bleached hair and not bony but thin, like a very lean yet substantial face.  The auditions for the parade they just kept mostly girls who were more tall and very slim with naturally light hair in smooth ponytails but all the people seemed not to have like a figure, like they were all 16 or something, did know of someone who flew in and saw some there with their moms.

I know my height fits Tinkerbell and I'm active physically, walk|jog and do floor workouts.  I'm from Florida and I grew up more like detailed than like the girls you see from California and England who seem to have fit the past Tinkerbells.  So, I find the auditions rather awkward because I like to have friends and stuff and have fun and I'm not like the what you'd call gung ho type, like most people there.

Let me know anything you can tell me and about like giving a resume because last time they didn't take it.  I wanted to submit the video|s of me as Tinkerbell for my resume, but they cast on the spot it seems.  Can you help me like how I can turn in a video with my resume?

I decided I would dedicate my time here in Orlando to come to auditions.  I tried out a jazz class, but it didn't seem to help too much to keep going.  I did ballet but never at the top of the class, had problems finding good schools, etc.


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