Saturday, June 29, 2013


I dunno, I have to practice singing.


Why does Ellen think having white hair is better all the time??

Also, my dad seems to be acting meanly, like I shouldn't care @ maybe my mom is being weird as far as having a good relationship.


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What Makes Me Tick

I guess what makes me upset is the fact that people are uptight about race and never want to accept me because they wonder about other people of part of my race.


I'm eating a lot healthier and doing floor workouts rather than pushing myself to jog at all so much right now.  The floor workouts are fun and I do them like 10 minutes at a time, in their segments, and guess what it's that famous Jillian Michaels, who apparently is a smart athlete|whatever.


Mostly Interested in the Main Street Electrical Parade Tinkerbell

Me Practicing|Demonstrating Tinkerbell Skills for the Main Street Electrical Parade

The only 1 that's really good that I kept track of I listed the time near the bottom, but all of it has a lot of practice work I tried to get out over the past month.

8:00 for @ 10 seconds -

Here's a picture of me recently:

I see they have more look-alike auditions.  I'm not sure what the parade auditions were for, wondering if the Tinkerbell they are still casting is the 1 in the Main Street Electrical Parade.  The auditions say they are still casting parade characters.  The dance we did for the specific parade audition implies that it's more for something else, like the puppets.

So, I was wondering, didn't do this last time, just had us walk up front in a group with music on and 1 Spanish lady looked at us.  I saw other people in charge there come out later, too, wasn't sure what some of them did.  We just went in the order we came.  I didn't get asked to stay out of the maybe 100 people who went, only kept 1 girl who was very tall with bleached hair and not bony but thin, like a very lean yet substantial face.  The auditions for the parade they just kept mostly girls who were more tall and very slim with naturally light hair in smooth ponytails but all the people seemed not to have like a figure, like they were all 16 or something, did know of someone who flew in and saw some there with their moms.

I know my height fits Tinkerbell and I'm active physically, walk|jog and do floor workouts.  I'm from Florida and I grew up more like detailed than like the girls you see from California and England who seem to have fit the past Tinkerbells.  So, I find the auditions rather awkward because I like to have friends and stuff and have fun and I'm not like the what you'd call gung ho type, like most people there.

Let me know anything you can tell me and about like giving a resume because last time they didn't take it.  I wanted to submit the video|s of me as Tinkerbell for my resume, but they cast on the spot it seems.  Can you help me like how I can turn in a video with my resume?

I decided I would dedicate my time here in Orlando to come to auditions.  I tried out a jazz class, but it didn't seem to help too much to keep going.  I did ballet but never at the top of the class, had problems finding good schools, etc.



Lily lost her chance.  I posted a pic of me with a gap bw my teeth and she posted 2 pics of people or got them to answer 1 black 1 Asian.. anyway, your mom isn't whiter.

People up North

They're just getting over it.  They are people safe from your negativity with good food, just worry @ their friend Christina down South with Ellen DeGeneres on the TV.


Chloe's mom can't really admit Chloe is bad, is soft on her, gives her comfortable feelings I don't have.  She makes up some excuse, I see.  You can't say no one else has thought of being more substantial.  Chloe is the problem child.  Or whoever told her to report my Twitter and then have those people believe I did something.


So, Ellen thinks Chloe is under her wing in LA, and Chloe thinks she can ruin my life to get it outta the way, like everyone is jealous and ****ing me would bring them fantastical pleasure?


What do you think @ Chloe in NYC and LA?


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Anyone take seriously..

..imagine me in real life, as I was before Tim, reserved mostly, Ellen DeGeneres coming up and telling me I'm bad.  That's the mirrored figure.

Something Else Mortally Disturbing

I also don't always check Ellen DeGeneres's Facebook.  Login irritation.  So, what, now Ms. Chloe has everything I want?  She likes my teacher and wants to be Southern like Ellen.


I'm sorry, Mrs. and Mr. Junior Moretz, but Chloe is really mean but definitely worth it for entertainment.  I stopped checking my teacher's Facebook who wouldn't add me.  Now, Chloe keeps kicking me off my accounts.  She keeps saying anything I did in the South she wants.  She thinks it's funny, but I don't really like her as much as you think.

Something Funny

I never did anything weird with Northern ancestry.  Why does Ellen DeGeneres seem comfortable with naughty Chloe Moretz?  Like compared to me.  I mean, that's not nice to think of your Southern Heritage like you don't have enough.

Watcha Think?

What do you think @ young and older moms?  Do the older mom part of the kid deserve something else like you think with people who have young, dumber moms?

Don't Know

I honestly have no clue what elated experiences people have in *** but it sounds cheap.


What do you think of people who want to show off being stimulated others?  It's not something you do just because you're a good person.  Let me just ask, do you disagree with that idea because it's easy to say yes and try to figure out how to say how it seems different in lots of ways later?  I know I have to m********* sometimes, but it's like something you have to try not to do.


I don't deserve something why the bloody hell you do it?

Things keep coming up.

I think it's okay.  I just feel that people think they know too much @ me that I no longer deserve.

I don't know what they did, but I know they did it, got over that part, just know it's a mistake we'll change later, should just kinda not accept it and assume though a lot of work must have been a pleasure to hate on me.


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*egg cracks*

Hey lookie my baby Ellen Jew.

Don't Care

Ellen, we don't care @ people with older parents.  They are just supposed to make us happy.


I'm really irritated @ my mom.  She thinks, well, the answer is no.  I won't let other people who know me go on and help others with young dads, might make them m*********.  You shoulda just gave me your blogsite.


I keep getting bad messages .. my mom thinks she's more accomplished, but her parents weren't as mean to her.  I was really good and got nothing.  They think I don't deserve it, but everyone else thinks we do.

I am more European than her?  I didn't have much to learn from, but I tried harder.  Maybe, she isn't in need.

Meant to Say

If you don't get a blog and take out everything there?  When I curse it's not at others and not to offend them.


What's gonna happen if you don't act appropriately, I'm not dealing with Ellen DeGeneres's problems.  She acts like she just turned 1/2 year old.  I just felt|saw it!


Now, there's another message.  Doesn't anyone wanna help me bash 'em?  :|  I don't need anyone to tell me what they think is right and wrong.  I'm serious.  This is bad.


Took Out Profile Picture

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Ellen, you are the 1 who did something wrong.


I just got an "Ellen" message, trying to play around the last picture I posted on my Twitter looks like a barbecue guy and also a Twitter account that said "Walt Disney Pictures" and another that said "Coca-Cola."  You're not "dong anything for me."


It's hard to recollect.  It's like I was over at a house of people who came up mysteriously, a house of people who maybe performed but didn't do it seriously like me.  However, it was like Johnny Depp and possibly Tim Burton.  I left in the bleak weather.  Too bad don't remember much more.  I could follow instrutions, was trained of myself earlier.
Ellen if you have an evil side I'm not buying it.  Why bother telling me?  I don't want to notice it and I don't want anything to happen.

Never Amount to an Experience

We build great things.  I think we have to go back to what life is to truly enjoy the magic in it..


Temporary Twitter

New Photo

New Photo of Me

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What You Find There

You thought you had a buffer that my old best friends who went and left in silence are cool so just gloss over but find they are real people and can be very nice and are but sometimes not.


So.. why if I'm just so nice and polite and in your face do you think that I have to think @ hurting myself for you?  I will not take away who I am that is fun for no reason.

New Photos

New Photos of Me

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May I ask

I don't mind you wanting to know my dad as well as I do .. but .. but?  Isn't it sick?  Why not do like me and not want someone to be your parent because they aren't as smart and nice?  That's my personality, who my parents are, and I know that'll make you mad and say, "nigger."


So, Ginny has "something" to talk about and Chloe just wants to rat on others who are good.  I know it sounds suggestive, but you're not supposed to stop me from expressing my feelings pretending you don't hurt yourself for attention and to ultimately ruin someone.

So many

people don't wanna get close to me, like online, even if they're fatter and older.

You know

You're not supposed to shit on my dad.

Una Problema

You can't say I'm a baby, still.

You filed yourself to be like Ellen?  I am not that way.  Where YOU from cuz I'm from Florida, too!  Your fam must have been here as teens.


Why was Ellen built to be so comfortable?




Ellen, I know that people made their babies sculpted to be comfortable in the South.  I already said I regretted the beginning of my life.  Maybe, it's hard in Florida, y'know?  Up north, I was made to feel good.


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So, she's pretending to be different than how she really is.  I bet no one else gives her the time of day.

Ha Ha

goes Chloe, like ehe. he.  I sure got'er this time.


Ellen has nothing to say and maybe never will, just the stuffing of the doll.  I mean, she thinks she "has" the crowd and shows off learning about the problems of others because she's stuck up and wants to feel inappropriate from her mom having a Jewish last name.

I know you.

I know people have nothing but shit for me.  They just notice things and go on a mental journey.  Farts from the nort'h.


I just thought people from the South were perverted @ if they were strong and @ if they're not really as nice as me.  I can see what I can see, and I do what I do.  I don't really know what my dad did, but I think it was an appropriate thing for America and in modern times.. the opportunity