Thursday, June 27, 2013


You can't tell me it's wrong .. I know you're interested in this stuff..

I'm worried @ my mom, seems so nice, but goes about treating me like a nigger in her spare time.  I CARE.  I don't care @ her, but I care @ our relationship.  Not in every sense of the word -CB.

With my dad, he's always interested in my ways of liking to be like more European and stuff.  Obviously, he's gotten mad at me for like dropping something and not feeling like moving with him looking @ me..before I was pretty after quitting gymnastics!  I just realized that but have had thoughts @ it, like the depth of the feeling in several or many different ways..

Ellen, whatever you think I want to be.., I am just like Chloe Moretz, I did something, too, but I did some things that her mother maybe didn't make her do out of her site.

Oh, Ellen, though, in private, I wonder why you ask me stupid questions @ what I want, the thought escaped me.. I never wanted to be shit.  Everyone tells me that because of Tim Burton.

Oh, and I even hear noises in private that test me, wondering if they were planted there which I liked before when people were comfortable with me.  Like, they want me to feel bad about something I did and be like everyone else now for no reason, bc I'm not old enough to be their mother.