Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I already said I would do something more successful if I were to change and be raised by other parents.  We even have it in the womb.  Anyone deserves a right to being happy in private and not be taken out of a social circle or any social circle you may find.

So, if you're just worried about other kids having it rough surviving, I'm sorry.  I was raised eating scantly and with little treats, I think, though there was a time I lived Chic-fil-A nuggets and non-alcoholic pina colada, might even say it was a Miami experience as a toddler, before Pre-K.  I do not remember what city we went out on the late bus on, but it might have been the city Johnny Depp is from.  I don't know why he doesn't get it.  He seems like a hungry, sweet type, once he's fed.  What about New Orleans?  Slippery seafood?  I prefer that, myself.  My mom is Chinese-Indonesian, so.  You know they are socially certified white Europeans, today.  They should make it official.  It's official, in my book, that's for sure.  No, never been.  Would not be good for someone like me to bore it in, but it would be interesting and a transforming visit.  Just say my mom Chinese|Indonesia(n).  It seems Vietnamese, but that's in Asia.  So, I'm "not Asian.." even though in the end there's hatred for Chinese.. they even killed us and said we, the Chinese, are the most hated race.  This was in Indonesia a long time ago, raiding our homes near the capitol where my mom is from.  Apparently, a lot have escaped.  My dad kept saying he had lots of milk, and Ilove only skim milk, I think.. with chocolate.  Ellen DeGeneres just eats non-food products, I but I beg to defer that she is from the New Orleans area and her mom is from New Orleans, her dad European I think.  I think he's French and English, shudder to think he'd be from England but probably, lost his accent.  She is fighting for her culture in a tacky way that wards me off.  I don't mean to be mean, but are you actually attacking me for my Pennsylvania heritage that's Amish and by NYC?  No, I'm not Philadelphian.  You think it's the shit off the map so conveniently because of Tim Burton.  I mean, I got in trouble with him theoretically.  Now, she's like insulting me every day on her show, but there's a summer break.  I think she is very much to be believed in, things take time and do what they will.  I struggle to believe she wanted to do all that as a New Orleanian and rather made it big as a Los Angeles citizen or "Burbank.."  Did I suggest anything that you made up @ what I am trying to say?  No "words.."  No insult @ her heritage other than that they keep thinking I don't know it.  I know it was supposed to be that I knew it.  It's not shit.  I mean, I did everything I was supposed to.  She seems a bit weak racially and would say oh well I know she's not perfect at home.  That's like in Florida, people know at home I'm as wild as anyone.  Maybe need to see my stunning pictures as a small kid and the fact I did gymnastic classes and marched in long baton parades before I moved to that place.  What did I do at home?  I can "complain," wasn't insulting anyone.  That's just my mom, doesn't care that homework was too much and I didn't feel like chores.  I didn't get anything dirty.  I know I should have moved to a public school in junior high.  That Catholic school makes me uncomfortable to say has station.  We had to sit through science class with "bad" kids talking and the teacher never even touching me.  Social Studies everyone was against how we just memorized words, 100 words.  In class, I think we just went through them, no idea, never opened the book to read.  I used to bring it home to ready myself.  I never was up to it.  What else?  Math was cool until we had a new teacher.  She was all Irishy and had a sister and made like a group I was in for some reason I don't usually remember, maybe was just the math class.  See, it had like 6 kids in it.  I remember the nightmares at home, you know, trying to do the assignment which was not well-explained in class.  Obviously, it was about the other kids again blabbing on about life and not trying to make the learning easy.  I gam they were not healthy as little kids, maybe ate too much and acted too stupid or silly.  They fight their parents that they are better than other kids to them, but I mean you can't insult us for having something different.  Maybe, it's not something your parents even each did.  You can't just live to make me miserable in the background.  Oh, we're on your life.  Well, go ahead and figure it out and then fix it!  You just need to be healthier, dunno @ fat soccer players and skinny soccer players and this and that and everything, ugh!  I cannot get along with this, it seems.  Sorry, didn't mean anything, you know I'm also Floridian and don't mean anything by it.  Yes, there is no suggestion, but I am from Florida otherwise.  We are aware of the fact our ancestors aren't from..the beach!