Wednesday, June 26, 2013

See, what happened..

I have the belief that in 1 way my parents made my brother not like me and he didn't know what to do because I am like the best but no I could have had thick, supple, light hair or not be as weak.  He was bigger.  I think they just knocked out every bad thing that makes me me as an infant.  He had no choice.  I was 1st, and I had a choice, and people are happy to see me.  No one knows why my brother won't change or what happened to him when he was a toddler.  I just always feel like I'm in a Holocaust for being Chinese when I think of the suggestion I would be him.  My mom was older when he was born, and my dad was like an old man, age 40.  However, the Late Boom live their life in the 30s and 40s but failed.  They didn't take care of their kids!  They seem to complain @ "what they did," too.  Also, we also know my brother is different from me, and we don't know what it is.  I don't know why my brother keeps thinking he's alright.  He experiences jealousy, and he wants to be Asian and islander, too.  I don't, though, and people "just want to think @ that."  They also believe their parents ruined their lives.  It was a big thing to see me with everything I needed, as though I didn't do it and obviously didn't deserve it.  Also, I find my brother's clinging to my mom *******y sick and to show off to me.  I don't like it, but I am afraid of people finding a way to change me into something when I was still a kid, technically.  It looks like it didn't happen.  I just did what I was supposed to, dug into arts, maybe a mistake.  I have an old theater teacher and girl with a New Orleanian mom and suburb there dad who deleted my responses.  I said it wasn't nice to the girl and she just blocked me!  She used to come up and say hi.  She thinks I'm a nigger.  So, I called the teacher that on my blog, legal, if you will and step inside and see what kind of life I have because of Tim Burton.  I didn't tell her, she looked it up.  See, that's racism.  It's stupidity.  I'm more attractive and want them to be popular, too.  The teacher's last name was French and she had tan skin and yea was pretty big but not tall.  They are the 1s who keep doing stuff like not adding me, deleting the posts.  They were nice, maybe off-topic.  What the fuck is wrong?!  That's so crazy!  I don't give a shit @ anyone's time.  I'm an educated speaker.  Don't go deleting my posts because you just snuff at your computer and really have no purpose in life to write anything from tearing down everyone and shouting at everyone.  No, we like other people do  No, I didn't explode, I believe in using curse words, but I'm worried @ that, like who can't do that with me in a relationship.  Why would they read my blog and not talk to me?  I understand that a normal person might not respond, but it's usually what you want, to have your say, at least to post @ me in their own blog!  I have a life right now, and yea they also cut me off in ways they're not really supposed to and will say it pays back something like this, well it doesn't it isn't right.  I'm sorry if you find the n word offensive.  Just tell me, and I'll be like sorry, but no you just delete my topics like I have to be Asian.  That's as good as *beep* whatever.  You can't tell me what to be racially.  Oh, so I gotta explain that?