Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"The Hunger Games"

I had a dream of a field day where I was soft with my blankie, my real conforter was under me on my bed I found.  I had to hide so no one would kill me.  It was obvious it was a dream, but it was pretty realistic to me.  There were huts and stuff.  I think the 1st part was more centered on convincing me to m*********.  I remember being in a hut where I would someday not be a crusty fetus with dried seaweed you can eat on my stomach as I went around.  It was pretty freaky, like that was a part of my stomach up and down.  I peeked out as I skirted around hiding, with a feel @ Ellen DeGeneres for some reason.  I saw my college roommate from New Orleans, also the area Ellen DeGeneres is from and where she went back to go to college, lived there until 15|16-ish.  Don't remember much else but trying to m*********.   I've had lots of dreams like that awhile since moving back to Florida.  My parents are not from there.