Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
I'm the only 1.
Why do all these young people to me act like it's time to be like mean to me? I can say whatever I want. I'm 27.
It was funny.
I also found a burrito that seemed healthy.. the pastry, okay, but I mean once in a while can I have some form of junk food or tasty treat on my diet or also like a fast, I guess.
I happen to be sleeping on my nice comfy new bedspread, Tinkerbell, which I'll get up and post a photo of sometime, probably, or have it in a video..also you may have seen my new vanity. The sheets are dark purple, like my dad suggested. We got the fresh bedding @ Wal-Mart. The sheets came in a bag you close by bending over the rope, sliding it open. Also, I was at a group @ mental illness Tuesday, not allowed to record and say what others said. I told them I was losing weight to get in the Disney parade.
Ellen can't think of happy thoughts. She gets mad at everything outloud. I was thinking @ my Twitter and changing my blog even. Thought of a picture on my Flickr of showing both legs then just 1, to show a flamingo. There is no treaty that says you can get mad at everyone who moved to Florida. I know they are interested in natives.
This may be a bit overboard, but..
..being blocked by attractive famous people younger than me and their addicted fans? Just to make fun of me for not getting online when I was their age?
Serves me right, recall the ending concretely, next to my mom, who seemed to look more like her from looking at her. She was gonna say something, and I was like falling over on my sofa which appeared like a ghost and covering my ears and said no, but I stared at her cold-blooded as I formulated a message that "Gramma (dad's side) died." I woke up, rather upset, not having to believe. I took a long walk today and got hair dye @ CVS. I came home like I was in the boiler room of the Titanic, for the 1st time had to lie down several times on the sidewalk. I also got a blueberry pastry which was like a piece of croissant thickly filled in grease. You know, how 1 time is okay for these things and to do them with variety.
Also, I heard my dad on the phone with my grandma. He said we could have come to the meeting with the cousins but were too late. I am also worried that the auditions for Disney will not go throughout the year since it's full-time, year-long work. I didn't do floor workouts, needless to say but need to. I also need more weight training. Getting a membership @ the Y where I can take Bo-dy-pump . . . Bo-dy-pump .. You see, it is a full body workout, did it in Slidell, @ I think a CrossGates, a small 1 near home where I drove myself each time after I graduated from high school and came home to the summer.
Speaking of ghosts, I somehow got a ghost book last month. Money gets tight, but I surpass "a few superficial failings," LOL!..
I think I only slept for 2 hours, though.
Also, I heard my dad on the phone with my grandma. He said we could have come to the meeting with the cousins but were too late. I am also worried that the auditions for Disney will not go throughout the year since it's full-time, year-long work. I didn't do floor workouts, needless to say but need to. I also need more weight training. Getting a membership @ the Y where I can take Bo-dy-pump . . . Bo-dy-pump .. You see, it is a full body workout, did it in Slidell, @ I think a CrossGates, a small 1 near home where I drove myself each time after I graduated from high school and came home to the summer.
Speaking of ghosts, I somehow got a ghost book last month. Money gets tight, but I surpass "a few superficial failings," LOL!..
I think I only slept for 2 hours, though.
You are worthless, is that you, Ellen, cuz you sure do act like it.
My mom tried breaking in with my brother and thinks it's funny and that no one can hurt her but hurt me, instead.
My mom tried breaking in with my brother and thinks it's funny and that no one can hurt her but hurt me, instead.
"Help!" ^0^
I had a dream, and in it I was returning the broken zipper. What I meant to highlight was like I had something like a hair, a part of me, and it was gooey and white at 1 end and came down and globbed up 1 side or rather was indented like a cut down most of the hair, like it was infected with that sickly white goo you may imagine, which resembles pancake mix when it's made into a pancake. People think of it as an artificial cover for something, for instance. All I could think was lots of people have to dye their hair, but I'm fixing to shave it off I feel, get my dad to do it, but need a wig or hat if I do or maybe just dye it darker and get clear contacts next time, maybe wait if possible until I get new contacts.
Something Funny I Seriously Wonder
@ huh (her)
She makes a big scene, Ellen, when you present something good or maybe her fans..not all though. Like, she has to announce the fart.
She makes a big scene, Ellen, when you present something good or maybe her fans..not all though. Like, she has to announce the fart.
Not sure what to label this as, but I know from experience in New Orleans the people in that area all tick at the mention of Disney, Orlando, think they're the only 1s who can handle anything in the South .. lusting for Orlando and to say hey this is me, though Orlando is known from afar for its kids being shit.
So, Ginny, the shit of Orlando it all says no Christina we're not as good as you, what you did in hi schoo, but you're a nigger and so goodbye.
Why doesn't Ellen just say Christina I have a problem [with you] and then say what it is. I know she just would find me an uncomfortable person. I posted an old picture, and it sounds like they ate it up, like because my face was too flat. I don't like those pictures of me where I look like a fat ho.
Also, she seems mad at me just because I'm 1|2 Chinese. That's just cold-blooded racism.
Also, she seems mad at me just because I'm 1|2 Chinese. That's just cold-blooded racism.
Pretty Cutting
I keep noticing shit. I was over it, somehow, but with Tim Burton I mean no.. but no I won't do shit.
"Stupid Idiot"
That's what they say! I'm mad at the attacks of Ellen DeGeneres in the still of the quiet. It happens a lot. She's not just merry old Ellen anything like on TV.
She's now trying to say she's the best person in the world compared to others and she doesn't have to say shit.
She's now trying to say she's the best person in the world compared to others and she doesn't have to say shit.
Why I'm Mad Really
Ellen thinks she's "Ellen DeGeneres" and has to even constantly get at me because she's "Ellen DeGeneres." I know she has those shitty sluts on her show who deserve it and it's funny they don't fight. Well, I will not "be" 1950.
Ellen keeps doing mean or shitty things. Like, I got another idea of her upholding my teacher as like God or something. It was a pretty sensitive thing I think she went falsely for. What? Don't tell me to be a sinner.
Split Personality
Why does Ellen DeGeneres have to be mean if she's so nice? I grew up learning that nice people are nice and only mean people do bad things.
I just got a freaky image of her having *** on something that is hurting me. Like, it's like she thinks she tricks me because she's "Ellen DeGeneres." So, who does that make me?
She is quite a dissapointment. I don't need to double check anything, and I will not sit alone in the quiet.
I just got a freaky image of her having *** on something that is hurting me. Like, it's like she thinks she tricks me because she's "Ellen DeGeneres." So, who does that make me?
She is quite a dissapointment. I don't need to double check anything, and I will not sit alone in the quiet.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Have ironing, things to hang up where there's room and got new Tinkerbell comforter and purple sheets that match the predominant color of the scheme.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Facebook Post
I am trying to get into the VoiceOver Industry, & the next class is June 23rd w/ Ginny Kopf I am praying that I can take the course it's kinda costly but, the end results are well worth it!
- 2 people like this.
- Christina Barrett Then you should take her class, as you said! Have a great time. BTW, I'm a fan of Ellen DeGeneres as Dory, "Finding Dory" is set to come out in 2016, see if you can get in that? I would, but I'm actually more intent on being in the Disney World Main Street Electrical Parade which just came back. So, good luck, Stephanie! (Oh, and guess what, I was flipping through channels and watched some of "Theater Talk" and they showed a picture of Annie. I almost got a way of getting in, send a YouTube I think, but decided to try to be Tinkerbell, if not qualified in this life then Alice sitting on the mushroom.) Thanks for sharing, too. I was in her classes last semester and do singing with her weekly for an hour. She's very good and attentive. I guess 1 thing that confused me was she likes Musical Theater or if I bring an art song. I have to find some classical musicals, like Camelot, not Fiddler on the Roof.
My Teachers's Personal Space
So, a teacher was bothered when I kept a soccer ball from hitting her when I was 7.. Lat week, my teacher's little speaker broke. The chord was swinging as it was put down somehow and I caught it so it wouldn't hit her but 1st contained myself.. a boy rode by me on a bike and just made me feel good about myself and that part, like a circle or some other figurine of niceness, a boy who probably wasn't even in high school. I dunnos. I mean, my teacher..I really didn't want to act like it was okay we dropped the chord on her, really would hurt her. She probably doesn't want affection from anyone unless they are her age or older. It's funny the boy who tapped or tickled me was older but only by 1 year. So, he was pretty much the same maturity level. I guess it's nice to be around people who aren't your graduating class. I really have nowhere to turn but my cold therapist.
All I can say is that guy seemed like he was told to do what he did. I don't believe that people you talk to should suddenly reach out and touch you in a part witha lot of nerve endings. Er, when you get older it might be more alluring for peers. Perhaps, just don't get too close to people who seem to keep nagging at you though you want nothing to do with them, no matter how innocent you want them to be. Well, there was a fat, tall girl in our class, and 1 of my best friends even gave her a present when she moved away. She was upset I didn't invite her to a small birthday party. You know? Then, I got older and I felt like I was as bad off as her and that I didn't have to be. For some reason, I think of another best friend I had who was from Boston and didn't need to study.
It -is- a real problem if you think that when I do something a little bad or to you bad you can't say that it's okay and so someone can hurt me. Anyone know what I'm even sayin'?
So, how can I get this experiment to stop doing illegal things to me? I have friends in this experiment! :I I meet real people, too.
I don't really care to figure out another way to say "this crap," but ugly, tan|dark boys always nag at me and threaten to take up all my time or part Polish probably Jewish.
People need to stop ignoring me. It's not good for them. It's your fault for not commenting on my blog or also forum.
You Know What All's Angering Me?
The way everyone I see wants to think being stupid makes them more assertive than me. I don't think a hero like Johnny Depp does that.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
What do you think..
..of Ellen DeGeneres. I have a feeling that she's mad at me because my mom's mouse is worse than mine. Um, no I don't think that being weird like that is nice.. I forget, think she has to admit she does some pretty cruel things and I won't accept them just because she likes me, anyway. Also, I got something to sew but still have to clean my sewing table, never had the time and energy, has not been long since that sewing class and may need to go in and do it. My mom also wants me to do 2 different kinds of group activities. I know this is just ridiculousness because also she tied the dog up with a scarf I made with her mom and then a small blanket. They had a small throw in a gift bag @ Sears, as well. All I want to say is I think it's weird and mean that Ellen wants to hurt me for things that aren't perfect when I'm the unusually nice person. People now just get mad because I also make myself feel good. Moreover, I don't feel good being touched by that boy. I told him @ Valencia and having to leave awhile and all of a sudden, this is so gay..everyone does something, he changed and acted like while I was so gregarious or whatever that I was selfish..this is not selfish, it's just a weird situation. Ellen still says yes this is okay anyway, well it's not, whatever you said.
Hard to Make People Mad
I just got the idea that Ellen DeGeneres, others like Tim Burton and Ginny, have a feeling for my cousin for having a younger dad and young mom, as well, like going sorta tacky in an annoying way but like not like it's a deliberately cut-out mean thing, more of a pitiful scene.. imagined that was precious and sorta like as though tearing apart or ruining maybe .. being annoyed and it feeling like the Holocaust.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
What Makes Me Tick
I guess what makes me upset is the fact that people are uptight about race and never want to accept me because they wonder about other people of part of my race.
I'm eating a lot healthier and doing floor workouts rather than pushing myself to jog at all so much right now. The floor workouts are fun and I do them like 10 minutes at a time, in their segments, and guess what it's that famous Jillian Michaels, who apparently is a smart athlete|whatever.
Mostly Interested in the Main Street Electrical Parade Tinkerbell
- From
- To
The only 1 that's really good that I kept track of I listed the time near the bottom, but all of it has a lot of practice work I tried to get out over the past month.
8:00 for @ 10 seconds -
Here's a picture of me recently:
I see they have more look-alike auditions. I'm not sure what the parade auditions were for, wondering if the Tinkerbell they are still casting is the 1 in the Main Street Electrical Parade. The auditions say they are still casting parade characters. The dance we did for the specific parade audition implies that it's more for something else, like the puppets.
So, I was wondering, didn't do this last time, just had us walk up front in a group with music on and 1 Spanish lady looked at us. I saw other people in charge there come out later, too, wasn't sure what some of them did. We just went in the order we came. I didn't get asked to stay out of the maybe 100 people who went, only kept 1 girl who was very tall with bleached hair and not bony but thin, like a very lean yet substantial face. The auditions for the parade they just kept mostly girls who were more tall and very slim with naturally light hair in smooth ponytails but all the people seemed not to have like a figure, like they were all 16 or something, did know of someone who flew in and saw some there with their moms.
I know my height fits Tinkerbell and I'm active physically, walk|jog and do floor workouts. I'm from Florida and I grew up more like detailed than like the girls you see from California and England who seem to have fit the past Tinkerbells. So, I find the auditions rather awkward because I like to have friends and stuff and have fun and I'm not like the what you'd call gung ho type, like most people there.
Let me know anything you can tell me and about like giving a resume because last time they didn't take it. I wanted to submit the video|s of me as Tinkerbell for my resume, but they cast on the spot it seems. Can you help me like how I can turn in a video with my resume?
I decided I would dedicate my time here in Orlando to come to auditions. I tried out a jazz class, but it didn't seem to help too much to keep going. I did ballet but never at the top of the class, had problems finding good schools, etc.
Lily lost her chance. I posted a pic of me with a gap bw my teeth and she posted 2 pics of people or got them to answer 1 black 1 Asian.. anyway, your mom isn't whiter.
People up North
They're just getting over it. They are people safe from your negativity with good food, just worry @ their friend Christina down South with Ellen DeGeneres on the TV.
Chloe's mom can't really admit Chloe is bad, is soft on her, gives her comfortable feelings I don't have. She makes up some excuse, I see. You can't say no one else has thought of being more substantial. Chloe is the problem child. Or whoever told her to report my Twitter and then have those people believe I did something.
So, Ellen thinks Chloe is under her wing in LA, and Chloe thinks she can ruin my life to get it outta the way, like everyone is jealous and ****ing me would bring them fantastical pleasure?
Anyone take seriously..
..imagine me in real life, as I was before Tim, reserved mostly, Ellen DeGeneres coming up and telling me I'm bad. That's the mirrored figure.
Something Else Mortally Disturbing
I also don't always check Ellen DeGeneres's Facebook. Login irritation. So, what, now Ms. Chloe has everything I want? She likes my teacher and wants to be Southern like Ellen.
I'm sorry, Mrs. and Mr. Junior Moretz, but Chloe is really mean but definitely worth it for entertainment. I stopped checking my teacher's Facebook who wouldn't add me. Now, Chloe keeps kicking me off my accounts. She keeps saying anything I did in the South she wants. She thinks it's funny, but I don't really like her as much as you think.
Something Funny
I never did anything weird with Northern ancestry. Why does Ellen DeGeneres seem comfortable with naughty Chloe Moretz? Like compared to me. I mean, that's not nice to think of your Southern Heritage like you don't have enough.
Watcha Think?
What do you think @ young and older moms? Do the older mom part of the kid deserve something else like you think with people who have young, dumber moms?
What do you think of people who want to show off being stimulated others? It's not something you do just because you're a good person. Let me just ask, do you disagree with that idea because it's easy to say yes and try to figure out how to say how it seems different in lots of ways later? I know I have to m********* sometimes, but it's like something you have to try not to do.
Things keep coming up.
I think it's okay. I just feel that people think they know too much @ me that I no longer deserve.
I don't know what they did, but I know they did it, got over that part, just know it's a mistake we'll change later, should just kinda not accept it and assume though a lot of work must have been a pleasure to hate on me.
I don't know what they did, but I know they did it, got over that part, just know it's a mistake we'll change later, should just kinda not accept it and assume though a lot of work must have been a pleasure to hate on me.
Don't Care
Ellen, we don't care @ people with older parents. They are just supposed to make us happy.
I keep getting bad messages .. my mom thinks she's more accomplished, but her parents weren't as mean to her. I was really good and got nothing. They think I don't deserve it, but everyone else thinks we do.
I am more European than her? I didn't have much to learn from, but I tried harder. Maybe, she isn't in need.
I am more European than her? I didn't have much to learn from, but I tried harder. Maybe, she isn't in need.
Meant to Say
If you don't get a blog and take out everything there? When I curse it's not at others and not to offend them.
It's hard to recollect. It's like I was over at a house of people who came up mysteriously, a house of people who maybe performed but didn't do it seriously like me. However, it was like Johnny Depp and possibly Tim Burton. I left in the bleak weather. Too bad don't remember much more. I could follow instrutions, was trained of myself earlier.
Never Amount to an Experience
We build great things. I think we have to go back to what life is to truly enjoy the magic in it..
What You Find There
You thought you had a buffer that my old best friends who went and left in silence are cool so just gloss over but find they are real people and can be very nice and are but sometimes not.
May I ask
I don't mind you wanting to know my dad as well as I do .. but .. but? Isn't it sick? Why not do like me and not want someone to be your parent because they aren't as smart and nice? That's my personality, who my parents are, and I know that'll make you mad and say, "nigger."
So, Ginny has "something" to talk about and Chloe just wants to rat on others who are good. I know it sounds suggestive, but you're not supposed to stop me from expressing my feelings pretending you don't hurt yourself for attention and to ultimately ruin someone.
Una Problema
You can't say I'm a baby, still.
You filed yourself to be like Ellen? I am not that way. Where YOU from cuz I'm from Florida, too! Your fam must have been here as teens.
You filed yourself to be like Ellen? I am not that way. Where YOU from cuz I'm from Florida, too! Your fam must have been here as teens.
Why does everyone want for me to be gay and fat? They did that in high school, "secretly." Why isn't the answer just a normal yes?
— Christina Barrett (@Xx_Christina_x)
Ellen, I know that people made their babies sculpted to be comfortable in the South. I already said I regretted the beginning of my life. Maybe, it's hard in Florida, y'know? Up north, I was made to feel good.
I know you.
I know people have nothing but shit for me. They just notice things and go on a mental journey. Farts from the nort'h.
I just thought people from the South were perverted @ if they were strong and @ if they're not really as nice as me. I can see what I can see, and I do what I do. I don't really know what my dad did, but I think it was an appropriate thing for America and in modern times.. the opportunity
Friday, June 28, 2013
Today's Food
I had some of an orange, my vitamins, now cooking pork and collard greens and drinking pink lemonade.
What would you say was the difference in opportunity for shit in presenting other cultures in a friendly way to white Baby Boomers?
I can see
Ginny being racist to me, I think in this God Danged experiment she said Chloe doesn't have to talk with me. See, she's annoying from the South. I said California was the North.
Being Jew
Ellen is so self-absorbed. I mean, she is nice, but for instance I just found out people are having *** @ me posting something on my blog, like she's a little princess compared to me and might read it and care.
Mimic Machine
Chloe Grace Moretz is a mimic machine. She goes and gets on your nerve, nothing can be done. Tim Burton is done with.
Tim Burton assumes we don't like him having kids, makes him not pay attention to kids who aren't his own.
Well, I figured it out.
Chloe Grace Moretz is like Helena Bonham Carter, always saying she poses in fascinating ways, like Helena when she drops her jaw all the time @ Tim Burton, so selfishly on display but attentive to when she makes you mad.
Spoiled Brats
This sounds like a Kopf move. Both Lily Rose and Chloe Grace Moretz think it's cool to be mean to me. They are the ones who are bad and need to be told what's what.
Dorky Above All Dorkiness
He thinks it's "the" experience to make Chloe feel she's better than me, a bad influence. He thinks it makes you feel a little silly in a stimulating way, of which I approve not, not in this way. No one will agree in front of me, now. They don't get online and take it upon themselves to begin a blog and join other social networking sites and take it more seriously, like putting where their heritage is, etc.
He's really done it, this time.
He wants me not to Tweet @ Chloe Grace Moretz, wants me to be secluded for being Chinese.
I know what this is.
Swedish kids have strict moms that say they are little kids, same with, er, what..Dutch.
I know my problem with her.
Wait, I forgot, I feel so bad..
Oh yes, if she's around mean people she joins in. Ellen, I am serious, and I am serious about my teacher Ginny. You're both the same.
Oh yes, if she's around mean people she joins in. Ellen, I am serious, and I am serious about my teacher Ginny. You're both the same.
yay "we can all go home"
Ellen, I am from there, what are you thinking? I don't like my own goddang relatives 100%. They are sly. It's not entertaining. They make up weird things I think @. Like, I wonder @ the birth of those kids. You can't just say I'm not a person. That's kinda stupid|dumb.
I was in the area you're from. I know what they were like. I don't know about later, but I didn't create the fantasies. I literally can't.
yay "we can all go home"
Ellen, I am from there, what are you thinking? I don't like my own goddang relatives 100%. They are sly. It's not entertaining. They make up weird things I think @. Like, I wonder @ the birth of those kids. You can't just say I'm not a person. That's kinda stupid|dumb.
I was in the area you're from. I know what they were like. I don't know about later, but I didn't create the fantasies. I literally can't.
I know she done it.
She turns her head so coyly, I feel the reverberations of her calling me shit like she's really something cheeky for the kids. I feel her saying I have no purpose because she already exists, like Johnny Depp in a way.. I would go easy on someone with such a ethnic mix, er, a tri or quadra racial mix.
A Pain
Ellen DeGeneres always acts like she's better. She seems to be made of soft rubber. I wanna go answer her post.. but all I wanna say is you like unattractive people just because their daddies and mamas are from where you and your family is from. I don't have a problem there like certain others. In fact, people used to seem to be interested in me until Tim Burton.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
You can't tell me it's wrong .. I know you're interested in this stuff..
I'm worried @ my mom, seems so nice, but goes about treating me like a nigger in her spare time. I CARE. I don't care @ her, but I care @ our relationship. Not in every sense of the word -CB.
With my dad, he's always interested in my ways of liking to be like more European and stuff. Obviously, he's gotten mad at me for like dropping something and not feeling like moving with him looking @ me..before I was pretty after quitting gymnastics! I just realized that but have had thoughts @ it, like the depth of the feeling in several or many different ways..
Ellen, whatever you think I want to be.., I am just like Chloe Moretz, I did something, too, but I did some things that her mother maybe didn't make her do out of her site.
Oh, Ellen, though, in private, I wonder why you ask me stupid questions @ what I want, the thought escaped me.. I never wanted to be shit. Everyone tells me that because of Tim Burton.
Oh, and I even hear noises in private that test me, wondering if they were planted there which I liked before when people were comfortable with me. Like, they want me to feel bad about something I did and be like everyone else now for no reason, bc I'm not old enough to be their mother.
I'm worried @ my mom, seems so nice, but goes about treating me like a nigger in her spare time. I CARE. I don't care @ her, but I care @ our relationship. Not in every sense of the word -CB.
With my dad, he's always interested in my ways of liking to be like more European and stuff. Obviously, he's gotten mad at me for like dropping something and not feeling like moving with him looking @ me..before I was pretty after quitting gymnastics! I just realized that but have had thoughts @ it, like the depth of the feeling in several or many different ways..
Ellen, whatever you think I want to be.., I am just like Chloe Moretz, I did something, too, but I did some things that her mother maybe didn't make her do out of her site.
Oh, Ellen, though, in private, I wonder why you ask me stupid questions @ what I want, the thought escaped me.. I never wanted to be shit. Everyone tells me that because of Tim Burton.
Oh, and I even hear noises in private that test me, wondering if they were planted there which I liked before when people were comfortable with me. Like, they want me to feel bad about something I did and be like everyone else now for no reason, bc I'm not old enough to be their mother.
Anyone wondering now what I'm watching..Ellen is off air and I did see a rerun probably not willing to see too many more. I wanted to see Jimmy Fallon just because I like him. I also found from my dad he's taking over Jay Leno, guess is on earlier. :(
So, not watching anything. I might watch "Ghost Adventures," though. I just keep being busy. Might not have Disney auditions in several following weeks and turn on that show. That's what I'm reading, too, ghosts, true stories, things people report at least I know so far.
Sometimes, I flip through the channels. They showed Annie 1 time, and I was gonna send in an audition video online to be a kid in that but gave it up and wanted to be Tinkerbell, or Alice, in the Disney World Main Street Electrical Parade.
So, not watching anything. I might watch "Ghost Adventures," though. I just keep being busy. Might not have Disney auditions in several following weeks and turn on that show. That's what I'm reading, too, ghosts, true stories, things people report at least I know so far.
Sometimes, I flip through the channels. They showed Annie 1 time, and I was gonna send in an audition video online to be a kid in that but gave it up and wanted to be Tinkerbell, or Alice, in the Disney World Main Street Electrical Parade.
Found Something
I found that people who moved to Florida, not even by Miami, when they were kids like over 5 often it seems that they wanna say I'm not really Floridian. I think we've ruled out labeling any state as shit but welcoming any since people don't mind the cold of Europe. Colbert! Hehe. Oh, a girl talking @ California he asked.
Can someone tell me why people say they don't like me just because of being 1/2 Chinese but still prize my mom because she's a Baby Boomer? I'm sorry, but my dad is mostly Caucasian and lots of white people, including Johnny Depp, have more Native American and would be very evil if you made fun of them, not like me and just sad. I realize that is suggestive to someone without Native American because those people also have lots of problems racially. You'd have to be an original Floridian from either some certain of places|countries of Europe and not be part Native American indian and be born as a Late Boomer or the child of 1 and an attractive daddy, like those cool English guys with often light brown hair combed mostly in a bowl but still looking good somehow.
Attractive Chinese
3 (guy)
4 - This picture tells me my mom is European if she does this and no one wants me to because I am younger and not a maternal figure to them and my dad is probably a little Native American (from a woman) for some reason but has a respectable family tree otherwise, a bit too orchestrated but maybe how life goes.
3 (guy)
4 - This picture tells me my mom is European if she does this and no one wants me to because I am younger and not a maternal figure to them and my dad is probably a little Native American (from a woman) for some reason but has a respectable family tree otherwise, a bit too orchestrated but maybe how life goes.
I used to not really impose myself racially, just "was a person." Now, I can hear that my teacher Ginny gets mad at me for my race and it doesn't feel good but doesn't feel bad. I do not want to be Asian. I do like the Middle East. I am not mad @ Asians but maybe Koreans and Vietnamese and Tai. Just consider me Chinese|Japanese. I'm not Japanese but I mean I guess if you are just thinking of it cool being an island like NZ. If you get anything about me you're gonna get I just wanna be European, more than those Jews, more than other people.
Something Else You Do
Why do I deserve to be treated wrongly, in the 1st place? Am I too fat? Am I shaped like no one cares? I have a nice shape but not a good figure.
You don't wanna talk I can't listen. I'm not gonna have my life be nothing. It was very important. More important than your anger.
You don't wanna talk I can't listen. I'm not gonna have my life be nothing. It was very important. More important than your anger.
So, I had a big problem.
When people bore into me, I fear I lose myself. I don't mind, weather the whether, but I'm totally ripped off for being 1|2 or part Chinese. I don't believe that the very white 1s in restaurants with goldfish in the middle are as Middle Eastern but maybe more Oriental. There are lots of tribes around Mongolia with blonde hair and blue eyes, don't know any mixes. I have a feeling they are European nomads.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Why People Do What They Do
Ellen DeGeneres is attractive because she is part Jewish! She comes in and slaps her hand by you and you just like'r without even thinking. DON'T PUT ME DOWN BECAUSE OF TIM BURTON. God Dammit what is this shit?
Being Picky But Not Giving It Your Best
Just saying, nothing big. I mean, if you make yourself a laughing stalk you can't just say no I didn't you did it.
See, what happened..
I have the belief that in 1 way my parents made my brother not like me and he didn't know what to do because I am like the best but no I could have had thick, supple, light hair or not be as weak. He was bigger. I think they just knocked out every bad thing that makes me me as an infant. He had no choice. I was 1st, and I had a choice, and people are happy to see me. No one knows why my brother won't change or what happened to him when he was a toddler. I just always feel like I'm in a Holocaust for being Chinese when I think of the suggestion I would be him. My mom was older when he was born, and my dad was like an old man, age 40. However, the Late Boom live their life in the 30s and 40s but failed. They didn't take care of their kids! They seem to complain @ "what they did," too. Also, we also know my brother is different from me, and we don't know what it is. I don't know why my brother keeps thinking he's alright. He experiences jealousy, and he wants to be Asian and islander, too. I don't, though, and people "just want to think @ that." They also believe their parents ruined their lives. It was a big thing to see me with everything I needed, as though I didn't do it and obviously didn't deserve it. Also, I find my brother's clinging to my mom *******y sick and to show off to me. I don't like it, but I am afraid of people finding a way to change me into something when I was still a kid, technically. It looks like it didn't happen. I just did what I was supposed to, dug into arts, maybe a mistake. I have an old theater teacher and girl with a New Orleanian mom and suburb there dad who deleted my responses. I said it wasn't nice to the girl and she just blocked me! She used to come up and say hi. She thinks I'm a nigger. So, I called the teacher that on my blog, legal, if you will and step inside and see what kind of life I have because of Tim Burton. I didn't tell her, she looked it up. See, that's racism. It's stupidity. I'm more attractive and want them to be popular, too. The teacher's last name was French and she had tan skin and yea was pretty big but not tall. They are the 1s who keep doing stuff like not adding me, deleting the posts. They were nice, maybe off-topic. What the fuck is wrong?! That's so crazy! I don't give a shit @ anyone's time. I'm an educated speaker. Don't go deleting my posts because you just snuff at your computer and really have no purpose in life to write anything from tearing down everyone and shouting at everyone. No, we like other people do No, I didn't explode, I believe in using curse words, but I'm worried @ that, like who can't do that with me in a relationship. Why would they read my blog and not talk to me? I understand that a normal person might not respond, but it's usually what you want, to have your say, at least to post @ me in their own blog! I have a life right now, and yea they also cut me off in ways they're not really supposed to and will say it pays back something like this, well it doesn't it isn't right. I'm sorry if you find the n word offensive. Just tell me, and I'll be like sorry, but no you just delete my topics like I have to be Asian. That's as good as *beep* whatever. You can't tell me what to be racially. Oh, so I gotta explain that?
Another Problem
Why do people want me to sacrifice myself for them racially? I don't believe I carry extra baggage since I am only 1/2 white. I don't normally talk about myself but guess I have to. I mean calling myself not a normal person as a kid.
I mean, I help them, and they just want to topple me over and they have. They think it's give and take. I think that's sick and bloodthirsty. I am related to these people. They are all notorious no matter how much powder they put on their face. Life must be hard not knowing your own race and saying to me it doesn't matter, maybe. I'd like to get a blood test done to find out my %s. It must be expensive, but I believe it can be done in this day and age. People with money should do it, especially those rich movie stars. They'd notice I'm funning them, but I'm serious, they should look into it and not feel bad about it. They will later if they don't. Most of them seem to know, but what about the ancient blood?
I mean, I help them, and they just want to topple me over and they have. They think it's give and take. I think that's sick and bloodthirsty. I am related to these people. They are all notorious no matter how much powder they put on their face. Life must be hard not knowing your own race and saying to me it doesn't matter, maybe. I'd like to get a blood test done to find out my %s. It must be expensive, but I believe it can be done in this day and age. People with money should do it, especially those rich movie stars. They'd notice I'm funning them, but I'm serious, they should look into it and not feel bad about it. They will later if they don't. Most of them seem to know, but what about the ancient blood?
Una Problema
My mom is still having thoughts of me being a nigger. What about my brother? He is very into Asian and was into beachy things, like an islander. He did martial arts, but the martial arts guys were scared of him, like the way people all m***** my cousin. Yes, I want to be there for her and not have that happen. It's just she thinks it's funny how she tricks me socially. She really does. I don't find it flattering. Well, thanks for being such a smart cousin. Wish you'd talk more. She's not much of a talker as far as being a conversationalist? I don't mean to be insulting, but I mean I dunno if there's another way I can think of to say it. What, she's not a serious talker? She doesn't really have that much fun to me when everyone thinks the opposite? I am who I am, I am the result of my environment, I grow like a Venus fly trap.
It's supposed to be funny to say well I'm white mama. Black people don't even care @ me. I find Asians and Latinos nice. I love Middle Easterners, we're friends.
What Makes Me Mad
I was gonna say when people treat other white people or people other than me who are white like they're so special when they don't do nuttin', just for being submissive and thinking they are perfect yet non-substantial. What's this, no Tim Burton for my age? Well, that's why! Who cares why it's why, it's why. You know, mebbe not, but it's why.
Something else interesting came up.
I'm doing my mobile posts, but I wanted to note that if you think I'm a mistake because you existed 1st and we want the same thing, I never said I had a problem with your differences, you know wanting to tell me you're feeling something naughty.
New Or le ans or Centr'l Florida has prepared for you
the way to the future
What about if there's a piece missing in the brains of New Orleanians? You know under my brain in front behind my nose was a tumor that made me lose my femininity. I took a popular psychiatric pill.. now, I'm on a "better" 3rd kind.
I don't know what test Ellen DeGeneres gives, but I do believe thatthe piece missing for me has a correlation with New Orleans, the area I used to live. Same with how I said I lived in the New Orleans area.
What about if there's a piece missing in the brains of New Orleanians? You know under my brain in front behind my nose was a tumor that made me lose my femininity. I took a popular psychiatric pill.. now, I'm on a "better" 3rd kind.
I don't know what test Ellen DeGeneres gives, but I do believe thatthe piece missing for me has a correlation with New Orleans, the area I used to live. Same with how I said I lived in the New Orleans area.
I forget.
Ah, yes, if you wanna feel good, you get a motherly "person" to give you a tack and put her hands on yours or whatever, too. It's a "thing," not some mystery everyone waiting in like for the public bathroom stalls wants to hear.
Also, what's wrong with like going to the same McDonald's all the time. People act like that's "what" you do, but they don't know. If you don't drive, then you can only walk so far.
Ah, yes, if you wanna feel good, you get a motherly "person" to give you a tack and put her hands on yours or whatever, too. It's a "thing," not some mystery everyone waiting in like for the public bathroom stalls wants to hear.
Also, what's wrong with like going to the same McDonald's all the time. People act like that's "what" you do, but they don't know. If you don't drive, then you can only walk so far.
Let It Flow
Why, at rock bottom, would you preach violent social topics right and left?
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In the Dirt?
Do you know how I get in the dirt? I am not scared of things like ballet classes.
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Nothing but Time on Your Hands
You know when there's something you like and your time doesn't have it built in when all you have is nothing but time.
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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
So, does Ginny sat you can't be what you want in a way you're supposed to?
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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
I am growing my hair below my shoulders and having long bangs combed to the side to look like a regular girl from up north or somewheres in the middle other than big names like Oklahoma and .. whatever. Still keeping the hair color and blue eyes. I just like this constant change! :}
I am growing my hair below my shoulders and having long bangs combed to the side to look like a regular girl from up north or somewheres in the middle other than big names like Oklahoma and .. whatever. Still keeping the hair color and blue eyes. I just like this constant change! :}
Also, you can't make fun of all the mixed indians from the North. Lots of people down south where I'm from are mixed.
Why does Chloe Grace Moretz remind me of a brat, being sadistic and sarcastic all the time. Her mom and brothers don't like her. She's got an attitude, but she's also very very nice.. just that thing @ the South!!
and of course Tim Burton whatever the matter would be, the influence of him in a bad way. I guess he's rather picky, but I bet they had a jolly ole time. I just know he can be a bad, careless influence. Didn't wanna pick on Tim Burton. What about the animations. He probably finally took some time off and is being entertained by his baby or 6-year-old daughter.
Why does Chloe Grace Moretz remind me of a brat, being sadistic and sarcastic all the time. Her mom and brothers don't like her. She's got an attitude, but she's also very very nice.. just that thing @ the South!!
and of course Tim Burton whatever the matter would be, the influence of him in a bad way. I guess he's rather picky, but I bet they had a jolly ole time. I just know he can be a bad, careless influence. Didn't wanna pick on Tim Burton. What about the animations. He probably finally took some time off and is being entertained by his baby or 6-year-old daughter.
Non-Floridian Heritage
Well, I mean, no, my parents are not Southern. They just lived there most of their adult lives. I think I grew up thinking like other people with families from elsewhere in the U.S. in Florida, also Latinos but possibly other people from far away. Think I knew 1 but don't remember, was 1/2 Chinese-Indonesian and I think 1/2 Irish, probably the same order as me. A boy.
So, I see Chloe Grace Moretz is somehow both too good for me to care or kinda lengthening herself down into my life. I think she did her hair to have fun with me taking classes from a teacher. I mean, cool, definitely all there is to say @ that, but you know me with other people. I mean, I think it's cool, but I feel she's trying to sever my life.
I'm sorry Ellen, but I guess I disagree with your unavoidable leanings. I am annoyed at Chloe being stuck up because of Tim Burton. I feel she's saying I'm nothing because of something she knew I did. She's following Ellen saying I can't think I'm Southern with all the things I did in the South. That's rather impossible, you see, I grew up in modern Florida. OMG!
Well, I mean, no, my parents are not Southern. They just lived there most of their adult lives. I think I grew up thinking like other people with families from elsewhere in the U.S. in Florida, also Latinos but possibly other people from far away. Think I knew 1 but don't remember, was 1/2 Chinese-Indonesian and I think 1/2 Irish, probably the same order as me. A boy.
So, I see Chloe Grace Moretz is somehow both too good for me to care or kinda lengthening herself down into my life. I think she did her hair to have fun with me taking classes from a teacher. I mean, cool, definitely all there is to say @ that, but you know me with other people. I mean, I think it's cool, but I feel she's trying to sever my life.
I'm sorry Ellen, but I guess I disagree with your unavoidable leanings. I am annoyed at Chloe being stuck up because of Tim Burton. I feel she's saying I'm nothing because of something she knew I did. She's following Ellen saying I can't think I'm Southern with all the things I did in the South. That's rather impossible, you see, I grew up in modern Florida. OMG!
Rather tired. Got my teeth cleaned and a chocolate milkshake, at a fitness center that's quite amazing in aesthetics and Feng Shui. You know, I think that synesthesia and later kinesthesia grew out of style knowing Asians are interested, so just call it Feng Shui. (fung shway?)
Hi, Ellen, hope you're having a great summer break! I look forward to what you do with your new show.
So, yea..
It was @ Tim Burton and race, note his almost 1/4 Jewish bouncy baby daughter, well probably age 6 now.
Moreover, I mean, I don't mean anything about his relationship with Helena Bonham Carter, and I'm happy for them. I just feel that before things were more open, and he just got older from not working out, anymore, just is a physical force in the world of film, still likes people not just his daugther and is also very giving as a person to anyone, tries to make things good, but I guess he can't be better than me. What about his daughter, Helena wants her daughter to be treated like a princess for no reason, I mean just to steal what I used to have in life, as though it weren't as good. I mean, like, I feel that before she was a bit weird with how she presented her daughter. Then, they were incredibly mean when something happened to me. She wants her daughter to have like what I had, but I dunno what to say @ it so much as it seemed tacky but an improvement for her because she didn't "do it." This is getting to be a long post where I thought I pretty much made my point. I am wondering why she is "better" than me. I do see them as saintly humble. I just feel that she is encouraged to do the things I did as a kid. I mean, why am I treated like I'm not a professional person?
Moreover, I mean, I don't mean anything about his relationship with Helena Bonham Carter, and I'm happy for them. I just feel that before things were more open, and he just got older from not working out, anymore, just is a physical force in the world of film, still likes people not just his daugther and is also very giving as a person to anyone, tries to make things good, but I guess he can't be better than me. What about his daughter, Helena wants her daughter to be treated like a princess for no reason, I mean just to steal what I used to have in life, as though it weren't as good. I mean, like, I feel that before she was a bit weird with how she presented her daughter. Then, they were incredibly mean when something happened to me. She wants her daughter to have like what I had, but I dunno what to say @ it so much as it seemed tacky but an improvement for her because she didn't "do it." This is getting to be a long post where I thought I pretty much made my point. I am wondering why she is "better" than me. I do see them as saintly humble. I just feel that she is encouraged to do the things I did as a kid. I mean, why am I treated like I'm not a professional person?
What I'm Accustomed To
I am accustomed to being the 1 who does her work in a nice way and is very kind. I am used to being told I as a person have incredible capability and moreover my morality being on top. You know, smart, sweet, talented, amazing, to an extreme beyond setting up. Then, Tim Burton..
(As I've said in the past, it was the opposite, seemed everything was about my race and everything I did too awkward and unredeemable though not.)
(As I've said in the past, it was the opposite, seemed everything was about my race and everything I did too awkward and unredeemable though not.)
So, you want to convict me and turn me over for having slights of fancy or weird dreams of being there for someone and then to be curdled for it?
An Affectionate Relationship
When I said I don't need you I was feeling attacked for no reason and wanted to talk @ it since it seemed recurring.
Don't Need You
My dad I feel the attention he gives me is depressing. I know they make my cousin feel not a part of the family. I find my aunt's opinion of what she is horrific. I don't know what that would suggest to her. I just mean, I see I'm following in a cousin 6 grades younger's footsteps who acts like an utter brat the entire 2 weeks or whatever when I've visited her, used to be more often than never. I know that family did something and thought they and certain others they don't seem to have relation with .. they think I'm just an animal and all my thoughts are simply reads on the brilliance others believe they created, which I don't believe is 100% more created than the things I read and the good things I feel I do socially, if anything is out there. They have nothing better to do than show off and meditate on your own decisions and feel that conversation from others should not exercise any risk. They are a bit typical, but if you complain about that worry then they may not be fun. All I can say is it's a bit annoying and not very generic. I like to have a good time, too, but I believe I still deserve my childhood, looking for it to go away when I'm 70 and unfortunately some may be dead. Even a husband may pass away. I m truly scared of the future in this sense.
Questionable White Cultures
Fine, think you need to take me in to Pennsylvania in the fancy Amish farms..
So, anyway, .. I feel it being reiterated that bad people don't find me, as popular people, white.
So, anyway, .. I feel it being reiterated that bad people don't find me, as popular people, white.
1 More Thing
I know the big Eastman School of Music is there. The dream for an organist is to study organ in the Cleveland area I just realized is there bc I knew I was up there 2 times alone for organ and then this place in NY for a graduate degree, guess I wouldn't graduate.
Unearthed Civilization
Rochester, NY. Know @ 2 people from there well + my aunt and her daughter 1 year with the man. Was there for 2 weeks and did a Bible camp. They had to rub in I wasn't white, and I remember this rebellious yet low-key and actually kind black boy who disagreed, had a nice mellow color, you know?
So, I'm #2 for some reason, with family in Pennsylvania + NY. My relatives live in NY now. Since they are Pennsylvanian don't wanna go further. It's also in the country, so, suits them well, also were there maybe as kids. I find their family intimidating. That's just my dad's mom's side, though, ununified with the other 1/2, which is in my favorite place, Cleveland, where I went to school during a hurricane.
So, I'm #2 for some reason, with family in Pennsylvania + NY. My relatives live in NY now. Since they are Pennsylvanian don't wanna go further. It's also in the country, so, suits them well, also were there maybe as kids. I find their family intimidating. That's just my dad's mom's side, though, ununified with the other 1/2, which is in my favorite place, Cleveland, where I went to school during a hurricane.
Too Jealous to Admit
Is anyone seriously jealous of me and too jealous to admit? They wanna be glorious and sparkly-like like me and be the only 1? Well, you "can't take that away from me." You have to just try to do it and it'll happen, I'm serious, it will happen when you try. It won't be just to bump me off. That's the big problem with everyone today. They treat bad kids good and treat me badly, think that's a trade off for making me feel good, you know, like once in awhile people are actually nice, even keel, don't need to be stimulating all that time, not a baby. You know, stop just being mean every time you see someone who's happy like you're the -best- joke. Because I go around and people are mean to me when I am just more forceful and proppa. Ya'll all wading around trumpeting at people in human services. Yes, human services is a field. It's probably Communications - Public Relations.
What I Have
I have a computer, a 2nd of 3 "dead" laptops, a Blackberry, an iPod Nano, and a Nook, which is from Barnes & Noble, lost my password to my old Kindle, unfortunately. Oh, an' I gotta Wii I think in 2009, for certain. Just have to find it. I played a kid's game, kinda fairy-tale-ish. It was so cool, hooked on the small TV, which for some reason now does not work.
The Apple iPhone and iPad
Well, I have an iPod, was expensive and for my birthday. I think I have the iPod Shuffle, but you know I really dunno and don't care. I need a case for it, already has a rubber cover I got for it, clear, a nice blue-green. I can't play videos it seems, but I dunnos, too. I put those on my Blackberry. I need a Blackberry because I use my cell phone for texting, and it's the most popular. I think it's like an Android the other 1.
Another Question
So, why is there something from the other end that my dad is a nice, all-around, affectionate guy in whatever way you imagine .. and that he wasn't supposed to make me better than older people younger than him? Can't you put a sock in it, dummies? And then people think, while her mom thinks she's late, that my mom should not reproduce so no one would be nicer than they are. I had said dummies because it was obviously something stupid that wasn't right and could not be explained. I'm sorry if I seem to make anyone uncomfortable but don't mean to. Maybe, people are trained to think weird things of me. I told you, that Tim Burton, always caught in the action.. :| How do you know he needs to be stimulated by younger people? Maybe, older people will do it, though. That's my statement. 8|
So, yes, I will joke, if I am technically being nice but technically making what others call a suggestion that really can be seen that way but actually is more of a hint to something funny.
Just heard something else weird.
Supposedly, Ginny is for people maybe with older siblings or younger dads who put people like me down, like Ellen DeGeneres, born same year .. like, I can't wonder something basic but others can or they will be mimicy to me. You know, like, "Everyone used to think something like that." HA, that was because of Tim Burton. He IS prejudiced and THINKS HE'S SOMETHING. It's all that born in the exciting 1958, the kind people who love to be genial or gregarious. I don't know of any pattern. I am not against anyone born in 1950. I know you accept people born before 1950. I mean their kids. Do you think it's okay to take lessons for singing from Ginny? I mean, why would I be the only student to break? I know there's a ribbon for not quitting someone like her, too, something I uncovered I guess, an idea, like gems in a cave. ':| Also, I thought her mama was Californian, should be strong.
Another Web
So, it's about attractive people with significant Asian blood being told no for their race but as though it's something else real quickly and not unattractive white people? Haha, so not about white people who play with themselves? What I meant by the word unattractive was just a made up group of people, rather funny and not something that's out of place.
Chloe Grace Moretz really is violent, seeing things that bother her. She keeps wanting to be the Floridian and not me. You can't bump me offa something like that in that way just because you want to be Floridian. You must have wild fantasies, I just realized, that make people just such as you feel really good. I'm sorry, but Georgia is not more Floridian than Pennsylvania, and New York.
What are you gonna do @ my friends from the Northeast who no longer will speak to me at all so much?
What are you gonna do @ my friends from the Northeast who no longer will speak to me at all so much?
Snide People
So, Chloe was feeling pleasure like Lily Rose Depp to kick me out for agreeing with something controversial just because of who I am. I swear I will not take their "mess." Can't do anything about it, might just not worry about it, though, and keep laying it down the line.
My Fam
I know that they are Pennsylvanian but also New Yo'ker, and that would pass to me. They are a bit corny, sad to say, don't think I mean something too weird and make up things I don't mean. It is true, they want to experiment and see "what" I will do, home from the world, made fun of for my heritage, never feeling comfortable, everyone denying anything is wrong. However, the other 2 teachers I had from there did not test me. They just saw me as a very sweet girl.
I am worried Ginny will kick a student. I don't know if I'm allowed back in, but I can find someone to let me in, if even they contact the teacher herself, which I would become worried over. I am worried what she will do. I think everyone is mad at her. I mean, if you didn't know, the way I kicked the student wasn't violent but yes forceful but not anything weird, just a little kick. They wouldn't stop f***ing me!
I'm getting messages from someone. What @ Ginny being 1/2 Californian? She doesn't seem to think along the lines of the fact that she herself is just from California. What @ Tim Burton? I know his parents may be Canadian moved to L.A. So, is Ginny's mom all Californian or mostly that and like maybe with ancestors from somewhere else in the West like Las Vegas, you know out in the country?
I mean, I'm tired of anyone from California or the, er, weirdos from Florida telling everybody they walked the straight and narrow by living in conjunction as a normal, modern person. They seem to pop up. I heard, I felt, they were nice, lived nice lives I assumed. So, I am not saying anything -about- Ginny being Californian. I actually forgot what I was really gonna say.
I wish I remembered. It does come up in a way that makes me suddenly outta nowhere feel like a bad person, 1 of those moments, and then people pick on me like they're right. If you wanna know more about me, I went for a long time without talking. I'm taking voice lessons from her, and practice was good though my voice has been not exactly easy to pitch up there, feeling guilty about breaking not practicing, last week 2 days for some auditions and 1 other day, unfortunately. I did do some laundry last night, 1 or 2 loads, gotta tend to that, also a pre-timed breakfast.
I mean, I'm tired of anyone from California or the, er, weirdos from Florida telling everybody they walked the straight and narrow by living in conjunction as a normal, modern person. They seem to pop up. I heard, I felt, they were nice, lived nice lives I assumed. So, I am not saying anything -about- Ginny being Californian. I actually forgot what I was really gonna say.
I wish I remembered. It does come up in a way that makes me suddenly outta nowhere feel like a bad person, 1 of those moments, and then people pick on me like they're right. If you wanna know more about me, I went for a long time without talking. I'm taking voice lessons from her, and practice was good though my voice has been not exactly easy to pitch up there, feeling guilty about breaking not practicing, last week 2 days for some auditions and 1 other day, unfortunately. I did do some laundry last night, 1 or 2 loads, gotta tend to that, also a pre-timed breakfast.
"The Hunger Games"
I had a dream of a field day where I was soft with my blankie, my real conforter was under me on my bed I found. I had to hide so no one would kill me. It was obvious it was a dream, but it was pretty realistic to me. There were huts and stuff. I think the 1st part was more centered on convincing me to m*********. I remember being in a hut where I would someday not be a crusty fetus with dried seaweed you can eat on my stomach as I went around. It was pretty freaky, like that was a part of my stomach up and down. I peeked out as I skirted around hiding, with a feel @ Ellen DeGeneres for some reason. I saw my college roommate from New Orleans, also the area Ellen DeGeneres is from and where she went back to go to college, lived there until 15|16-ish. Don't remember much else but trying to m*********. I've had lots of dreams like that awhile since moving back to Florida. My parents are not from there.
I'm just worried Ginny is ripping me off. Like, she seems to be trying to get rid of me. O MY GOD. She tries to do that, let us take a break and come back. Seems to work out. She doesn't offend me with her stench, doesn't have a smell, though. Funny how I sing with her, maybe, hope she doesn't recommend me away. She won't even add me on her new Facebook. Would be fun to take her Dialects class but seems a bit overrated, not really, but you know, something to make fun of. I was gonna take her classes in the Fall, which includes Stage Movement. I enjoyed just coming, working out in the mornings then eating and to her afternoon and evening classes and Thursdays the night course. I guess a clean room would have made life easier, need to tend to taht now and in fact have singing to practice on this night and the other days. Just staying away from food, wanna get laundry in 1st, so I sing while it goes athe ironing.
So, why is Tim Burton sorting everything in life to nothing because the glamour would hurt him himself? I know he's 99% perfect. See, he thinks we all "didn't care." Well, I mean if you're mixed race he still believes in the glory, O MY GOD. He thinks that parents not providing means you're sassy when you find those who apparently are in some way.
Also, you pretend I'm mean when I'm right. You got programmed to be that way all the time.
Yes, I worry @ my dad being worthless to me. He just doesn't wanna be 100% there perfect cause it's not true that he's better than me.
Also, you pretend I'm mean when I'm right. You got programmed to be that way all the time.
Yes, I worry @ my dad being worthless to me. He just doesn't wanna be 100% there perfect cause it's not true that he's better than me.
Other Beliefs
Johnny Depp seems to believe that is badm but in a way good. There's people here beleivin' that it's somethin' to follow that you should take people further and make them worse and more humble. See, he don't mean it, but he programmed to do't.
Not Wanting to Talk
Do you know about people who don't want to talk? Like, they can't just keep talking once you've solved something, really, something you really did on your life, not just some thing to admit that you don't talk about, ye'know?
Ole Mixedup
So, they wanna say I'm not really from Florida, people who move here at like 7, 8, or 9.
People Who Don't Do Nutt'n'
So, people from the North and Northeast think essentially that if something for me is bad and a way to go against someone else is when they act. I have no clue what I just typed.
In Trouble
So, people got in trouble in Florida, and I wouldn't comfort them that I'm really bad and see me in all these m********ory ways.
The fresh 1s from other place up north are good. People just want the least European in an American way.
"Answer the QUESTION"
No, I said answer the question, I am from Florida, it would mean something else if I said it from a little ole place like Pennsylvania! If life doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't matter to you. I would advise not retiring, anyone, just because of good ole Tim Burton.
A Little Bit More of Thoughts, Now
You know, Ellen DeGeneres won't let anyone be appealing and good. She is not all that in some way we can't figure out or maybe doesn't mean anything any worse than anyone else, people who find their age suggestive. Or parents. Parents's ages. That does sound akward. I mean that like she says well I've been talking to, let me say this, what you'd say, "niggers," anyway. Btw, lemme know..someone just got fired on their own show for saying "nigger." I do thank her more than life itself for being kind to me until people noticed she was talking to me on her show. She knows I was not given a chance because of my race though everyone prizes each of my parents racially. Now, about life itself..dunno, I mean don't mean life is not worth like an action or maybe so. What I mean is, I thought something, and it turned out she was talking to black people and that they pretty much are not happy. She thinks that's what other people are anyway, it seemed to me.. I mean, I can say that. I don't know why it would be healthy to keep worrying about that all the time and wasting opportunity in life and resulting in sadness and unfortunately death. I mean, I met the qualifications to be a smile for Ellen DeGeneres. What was I thinking? Something wasn't working out, still, for me, like the thing @ Pennsylvania just to watch her show. I realize it's a real issue, but I already said what I said and it was from Florida.
I already said I would do something more successful if I were to change and be raised by other parents. We even have it in the womb. Anyone deserves a right to being happy in private and not be taken out of a social circle or any social circle you may find.
So, if you're just worried about other kids having it rough surviving, I'm sorry. I was raised eating scantly and with little treats, I think, though there was a time I lived Chic-fil-A nuggets and non-alcoholic pina colada, might even say it was a Miami experience as a toddler, before Pre-K. I do not remember what city we went out on the late bus on, but it might have been the city Johnny Depp is from. I don't know why he doesn't get it. He seems like a hungry, sweet type, once he's fed. What about New Orleans? Slippery seafood? I prefer that, myself. My mom is Chinese-Indonesian, so. You know they are socially certified white Europeans, today. They should make it official. It's official, in my book, that's for sure. No, never been. Would not be good for someone like me to bore it in, but it would be interesting and a transforming visit. Just say my mom Chinese|Indonesia(n). It seems Vietnamese, but that's in Asia. So, I'm "not Asian.." even though in the end there's hatred for Chinese.. they even killed us and said we, the Chinese, are the most hated race. This was in Indonesia a long time ago, raiding our homes near the capitol where my mom is from. Apparently, a lot have escaped. My dad kept saying he had lots of milk, and Ilove only skim milk, I think.. with chocolate. Ellen DeGeneres just eats non-food products, I but I beg to defer that she is from the New Orleans area and her mom is from New Orleans, her dad European I think. I think he's French and English, shudder to think he'd be from England but probably, lost his accent. She is fighting for her culture in a tacky way that wards me off. I don't mean to be mean, but are you actually attacking me for my Pennsylvania heritage that's Amish and by NYC? No, I'm not Philadelphian. You think it's the shit off the map so conveniently because of Tim Burton. I mean, I got in trouble with him theoretically. Now, she's like insulting me every day on her show, but there's a summer break. I think she is very much to be believed in, things take time and do what they will. I struggle to believe she wanted to do all that as a New Orleanian and rather made it big as a Los Angeles citizen or "Burbank.." Did I suggest anything that you made up @ what I am trying to say? No "words.." No insult @ her heritage other than that they keep thinking I don't know it. I know it was supposed to be that I knew it. It's not shit. I mean, I did everything I was supposed to. She seems a bit weak racially and would say oh well I know she's not perfect at home. That's like in Florida, people know at home I'm as wild as anyone. Maybe need to see my stunning pictures as a small kid and the fact I did gymnastic classes and marched in long baton parades before I moved to that place. What did I do at home? I can "complain," wasn't insulting anyone. That's just my mom, doesn't care that homework was too much and I didn't feel like chores. I didn't get anything dirty. I know I should have moved to a public school in junior high. That Catholic school makes me uncomfortable to say has station. We had to sit through science class with "bad" kids talking and the teacher never even touching me. Social Studies everyone was against how we just memorized words, 100 words. In class, I think we just went through them, no idea, never opened the book to read. I used to bring it home to ready myself. I never was up to it. What else? Math was cool until we had a new teacher. She was all Irishy and had a sister and made like a group I was in for some reason I don't usually remember, maybe was just the math class. See, it had like 6 kids in it. I remember the nightmares at home, you know, trying to do the assignment which was not well-explained in class. Obviously, it was about the other kids again blabbing on about life and not trying to make the learning easy. I gam they were not healthy as little kids, maybe ate too much and acted too stupid or silly. They fight their parents that they are better than other kids to them, but I mean you can't insult us for having something different. Maybe, it's not something your parents even each did. You can't just live to make me miserable in the background. Oh, we're on your life. Well, go ahead and figure it out and then fix it! You just need to be healthier, dunno @ fat soccer players and skinny soccer players and this and that and everything, ugh! I cannot get along with this, it seems. Sorry, didn't mean anything, you know I'm also Floridian and don't mean anything by it. Yes, there is no suggestion, but I am from Florida otherwise. We are aware of the fact our ancestors aren't from..the beach!
So, if you're just worried about other kids having it rough surviving, I'm sorry. I was raised eating scantly and with little treats, I think, though there was a time I lived Chic-fil-A nuggets and non-alcoholic pina colada, might even say it was a Miami experience as a toddler, before Pre-K. I do not remember what city we went out on the late bus on, but it might have been the city Johnny Depp is from. I don't know why he doesn't get it. He seems like a hungry, sweet type, once he's fed. What about New Orleans? Slippery seafood? I prefer that, myself. My mom is Chinese-Indonesian, so. You know they are socially certified white Europeans, today. They should make it official. It's official, in my book, that's for sure. No, never been. Would not be good for someone like me to bore it in, but it would be interesting and a transforming visit. Just say my mom Chinese|Indonesia(n). It seems Vietnamese, but that's in Asia. So, I'm "not Asian.." even though in the end there's hatred for Chinese.. they even killed us and said we, the Chinese, are the most hated race. This was in Indonesia a long time ago, raiding our homes near the capitol where my mom is from. Apparently, a lot have escaped. My dad kept saying he had lots of milk, and Ilove only skim milk, I think.. with chocolate. Ellen DeGeneres just eats non-food products, I but I beg to defer that she is from the New Orleans area and her mom is from New Orleans, her dad European I think. I think he's French and English, shudder to think he'd be from England but probably, lost his accent. She is fighting for her culture in a tacky way that wards me off. I don't mean to be mean, but are you actually attacking me for my Pennsylvania heritage that's Amish and by NYC? No, I'm not Philadelphian. You think it's the shit off the map so conveniently because of Tim Burton. I mean, I got in trouble with him theoretically. Now, she's like insulting me every day on her show, but there's a summer break. I think she is very much to be believed in, things take time and do what they will. I struggle to believe she wanted to do all that as a New Orleanian and rather made it big as a Los Angeles citizen or "Burbank.." Did I suggest anything that you made up @ what I am trying to say? No "words.." No insult @ her heritage other than that they keep thinking I don't know it. I know it was supposed to be that I knew it. It's not shit. I mean, I did everything I was supposed to. She seems a bit weak racially and would say oh well I know she's not perfect at home. That's like in Florida, people know at home I'm as wild as anyone. Maybe need to see my stunning pictures as a small kid and the fact I did gymnastic classes and marched in long baton parades before I moved to that place. What did I do at home? I can "complain," wasn't insulting anyone. That's just my mom, doesn't care that homework was too much and I didn't feel like chores. I didn't get anything dirty. I know I should have moved to a public school in junior high. That Catholic school makes me uncomfortable to say has station. We had to sit through science class with "bad" kids talking and the teacher never even touching me. Social Studies everyone was against how we just memorized words, 100 words. In class, I think we just went through them, no idea, never opened the book to read. I used to bring it home to ready myself. I never was up to it. What else? Math was cool until we had a new teacher. She was all Irishy and had a sister and made like a group I was in for some reason I don't usually remember, maybe was just the math class. See, it had like 6 kids in it. I remember the nightmares at home, you know, trying to do the assignment which was not well-explained in class. Obviously, it was about the other kids again blabbing on about life and not trying to make the learning easy. I gam they were not healthy as little kids, maybe ate too much and acted too stupid or silly. They fight their parents that they are better than other kids to them, but I mean you can't insult us for having something different. Maybe, it's not something your parents even each did. You can't just live to make me miserable in the background. Oh, we're on your life. Well, go ahead and figure it out and then fix it! You just need to be healthier, dunno @ fat soccer players and skinny soccer players and this and that and everything, ugh! I cannot get along with this, it seems. Sorry, didn't mean anything, you know I'm also Floridian and don't mean anything by it. Yes, there is no suggestion, but I am from Florida otherwise. We are aware of the fact our ancestors aren't from..the beach!
Scoping My Actions
Seeing what I've been posting, for a good reason, I noticed that both Tim Burton's and Johnny Depp's daughters became brats and behavioral cases. I was almost going into the Education department, myself, and should know all about teenager discipline.
I should say more. Well, Nell Burton can't get rid of that funny feeling she gets when she tells others she's white, and Tim Burton thinks this trick will work since she's technically almost 1/4 Jewish.
Lily Rose I explained earlier in the day. She acts just like her father and not her mother. She has that clean cut hair, wavering, romantic brown eyes, and that take not shit physique. Her dad is nice, though. I guess some kids go crazy with having a dad who is like 1/2 German and part Irish blood possibly. Well, if she's so Irish, she must be what was known by "Anglo" Irish. Well, I found out, and I don't know why it seems so under the radar, Irish people seem to be largely Viking blood, which passed through France hundreds of years ago I think and some to England and possibly 1 Irish version of my name through Wales (which for some reason my dad's dad came out looking Welsh and Norwegian to me) and the other version Anglo-Saxon German. My grandma said 1 side, and my dad said it's the other, so my last name is not German but Norwegian. Lily Rose's dad seems to be of French-German American or somesuch. I'm quite sure my ancestors are Southern Irish on my dad's side and his mom's side don't even see any real Irish last names to trace I think except I believe Long, which the definition has varied in short amounts of time online. I know I have real French and Swiss in my blood, I think, yes a combination which also includes Austria and that country Leichtenstein. So, I figured, seems like Pennsylvania Dutch which includes 1 minority race, Swiss, as I am calling it and am also very happy with I believed. It solves my problem about not knowing about Italian. It's by Italy. Audrey Hepburn, probably 2nd famous to Julie Andrews unless you mean George Washington and Walt Disney. I guess my question is why there are Barretts in northern Ireland who have mouths that are like crying. I think northern Ireland is Protestant, yes that's very true. I guess southern Ireland is still on the same level as countries like England and above France. I believe it is more European.
So, yea, back to what I was saying.. we are able to just "label" kids as brats, it seems, now. They want to say something they didn't say before, something nice, they can't do it now with their past in place as the good move. They need to learn to fend for themselves, if that's the case.. It's so true, I just said it. Like, Lily Rose posts boring stuff on Twitter and then watches people's reactions and appraisal, if she even knows what that word would mean. So, I'm just mad at how tense it is letting someone her age block you online in a public message board system such as Twitter.
Another thought crossed my mind for some strange reason. It does bother me when adults lose it, but I always know there's a reason, I thought, not just that no one's there for me in the world. I mean, come on, Lily Rose blocks me from all her stuff? You know, she's too shy to post videos. Maybe, she thinks she'll get better and better. She thinks I've talked to her and said certain things I didn't say, like to move to L.A. and not mention Florida, I feel, I feel she thinks this. What else was it, I forget, maybe something about her mom. You know, I never said for her to have a small nose, but it is a dainty type. It probably just was what came. All I can say is it's more dense and seems very nice, guess she could have done other things she liked that might make her nose different. I dunno, I think she's stuck on something, stuck like with that maybe it's "different." I think she's struggling with the blood related to the 1st freed African American woman. Johnny Depp is so American. Some people think he is French. His last name is, I guess, but he doesn't remind me of Ellen DeGeneres and Orla Fallon in that way racially, I mean more than most men, but you see these 2 ladies I believe have maternal names Irish. I mean, he might, but I have a feeling it's English. I don't know @ the middle, but we know he's also Native American + the 1st freed African American woman. I guess he's something of a hero, in that way. I can relate to him in his non-Floridian side. I dunno, I mean I was a kid in Florida, and New Orleans is also the dead South, it will always be the dead South of the U.S. in my eyes. I don't know no Texas, but I know it's an opportunity for New Orleanians to go out West. Yes, it was a big thing, but I have a feeling it is over, like all the people who went to L.A. I am sad that people in the New Orleans area moved there after a big hurricane named Katrina, just realized it sounds like my name. I think they found out all the bad things they did were like nothing. They were expecting that it was my fault, didn't do anything, get confused about things from outside the home that's not that clean. I always thought they'd be considered right, but they don't know where they want to go in life.
I feel uncomfortable thinking there's some thing where I decided that L.A. was the place. I thought so, but I don't think I tried to persuade anyone so much, maybe crossed my mind, never wrote it. I've decided that it's the north, thanks to Miss Lily, 2 points, 1 for her dad being from Florida. Yes, he is from Florida moreover because that's the only place he lived a long time, I think or I guess. About roots, well, he must go up and see the relatives often enough and recollect with his parents having heritage below the belt there. Wonder if that's been said, "below the belt" refering to such things. I mean places like more southern Pennsylvania and Virginia are beautiful. New York is more like New Jersey, New Jersey and Boston. I don't know about NYC, wonder what it's like, wonder what kids there are like. My piano teacher is from there, though, and she's very American. She's also Italian and with an accent. No, I do not even live there and do not take piano. Just saying, I learned so much about music from piano, and I became very smart from it and in bridging to organ. Back to the point, you know, though, I am uncomfortable about that fact that I thought it would be good to move to L.A. but that I don't like all these non-Southerners swamping the area. I think I've made a suggestion @ my teacher with a dad from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a mom though from California. All I can say is Pittsburgh is probably as Southern as the Carolinas. It doesn't quite cut it to New Orleans, which is a substantial place in some ways to me. It seems it was used up in modern times. That's 1 thing I didn't ask for, but can't argue. I know you have a racial inclination towards anyone who's mostly Caucasian than me. It's rather insulting that you don't understand that Chinese without that delicate heritage and nice fish in the restaurants is like dirt under your feet while Middle Easterners reigh as a buffer between you ans Asia and something you think you have under your own belt. Wow, I wasn't sure I would know how to say something like that. Funny I am blogging more now, maybe because of the singing, but I just keep changing. I know I am still being suggestive like a mistake I made, and I really don't linger on things I don't mean, and they are htings I don't mean in the 1st place..
You know, I think Lily is as Floridian as any. The European heritage is definitely nice. Something anyone wanna talk @? If I never got in trouble with Tim Burton, perhaps then important people wouldn't use actually Lily as someone against me to talk to, to rub me in the dirt under their rubber sole shoes. So, if like I never got in trouble I wouldn't be getting the "shitty" messages aobut like how other people are rasi raised above me just because of Tim. It used to be that I was reserved as someone special because I am. It wasn't @ not me. Also, I am not shit just because you meet another attractive person. How many times do I have to say that? It's only a choice, and you can chose to be a human being..
I should say more. Well, Nell Burton can't get rid of that funny feeling she gets when she tells others she's white, and Tim Burton thinks this trick will work since she's technically almost 1/4 Jewish.
Lily Rose I explained earlier in the day. She acts just like her father and not her mother. She has that clean cut hair, wavering, romantic brown eyes, and that take not shit physique. Her dad is nice, though. I guess some kids go crazy with having a dad who is like 1/2 German and part Irish blood possibly. Well, if she's so Irish, she must be what was known by "Anglo" Irish. Well, I found out, and I don't know why it seems so under the radar, Irish people seem to be largely Viking blood, which passed through France hundreds of years ago I think and some to England and possibly 1 Irish version of my name through Wales (which for some reason my dad's dad came out looking Welsh and Norwegian to me) and the other version Anglo-Saxon German. My grandma said 1 side, and my dad said it's the other, so my last name is not German but Norwegian. Lily Rose's dad seems to be of French-German American or somesuch. I'm quite sure my ancestors are Southern Irish on my dad's side and his mom's side don't even see any real Irish last names to trace I think except I believe Long, which the definition has varied in short amounts of time online. I know I have real French and Swiss in my blood, I think, yes a combination which also includes Austria and that country Leichtenstein. So, I figured, seems like Pennsylvania Dutch which includes 1 minority race, Swiss, as I am calling it and am also very happy with I believed. It solves my problem about not knowing about Italian. It's by Italy. Audrey Hepburn, probably 2nd famous to Julie Andrews unless you mean George Washington and Walt Disney. I guess my question is why there are Barretts in northern Ireland who have mouths that are like crying. I think northern Ireland is Protestant, yes that's very true. I guess southern Ireland is still on the same level as countries like England and above France. I believe it is more European.
So, yea, back to what I was saying.. we are able to just "label" kids as brats, it seems, now. They want to say something they didn't say before, something nice, they can't do it now with their past in place as the good move. They need to learn to fend for themselves, if that's the case.. It's so true, I just said it. Like, Lily Rose posts boring stuff on Twitter and then watches people's reactions and appraisal, if she even knows what that word would mean. So, I'm just mad at how tense it is letting someone her age block you online in a public message board system such as Twitter.
Another thought crossed my mind for some strange reason. It does bother me when adults lose it, but I always know there's a reason, I thought, not just that no one's there for me in the world. I mean, come on, Lily Rose blocks me from all her stuff? You know, she's too shy to post videos. Maybe, she thinks she'll get better and better. She thinks I've talked to her and said certain things I didn't say, like to move to L.A. and not mention Florida, I feel, I feel she thinks this. What else was it, I forget, maybe something about her mom. You know, I never said for her to have a small nose, but it is a dainty type. It probably just was what came. All I can say is it's more dense and seems very nice, guess she could have done other things she liked that might make her nose different. I dunno, I think she's stuck on something, stuck like with that maybe it's "different." I think she's struggling with the blood related to the 1st freed African American woman. Johnny Depp is so American. Some people think he is French. His last name is, I guess, but he doesn't remind me of Ellen DeGeneres and Orla Fallon in that way racially, I mean more than most men, but you see these 2 ladies I believe have maternal names Irish. I mean, he might, but I have a feeling it's English. I don't know @ the middle, but we know he's also Native American + the 1st freed African American woman. I guess he's something of a hero, in that way. I can relate to him in his non-Floridian side. I dunno, I mean I was a kid in Florida, and New Orleans is also the dead South, it will always be the dead South of the U.S. in my eyes. I don't know no Texas, but I know it's an opportunity for New Orleanians to go out West. Yes, it was a big thing, but I have a feeling it is over, like all the people who went to L.A. I am sad that people in the New Orleans area moved there after a big hurricane named Katrina, just realized it sounds like my name. I think they found out all the bad things they did were like nothing. They were expecting that it was my fault, didn't do anything, get confused about things from outside the home that's not that clean. I always thought they'd be considered right, but they don't know where they want to go in life.
I feel uncomfortable thinking there's some thing where I decided that L.A. was the place. I thought so, but I don't think I tried to persuade anyone so much, maybe crossed my mind, never wrote it. I've decided that it's the north, thanks to Miss Lily, 2 points, 1 for her dad being from Florida. Yes, he is from Florida moreover because that's the only place he lived a long time, I think or I guess. About roots, well, he must go up and see the relatives often enough and recollect with his parents having heritage below the belt there. Wonder if that's been said, "below the belt" refering to such things. I mean places like more southern Pennsylvania and Virginia are beautiful. New York is more like New Jersey, New Jersey and Boston. I don't know about NYC, wonder what it's like, wonder what kids there are like. My piano teacher is from there, though, and she's very American. She's also Italian and with an accent. No, I do not even live there and do not take piano. Just saying, I learned so much about music from piano, and I became very smart from it and in bridging to organ. Back to the point, you know, though, I am uncomfortable about that fact that I thought it would be good to move to L.A. but that I don't like all these non-Southerners swamping the area. I think I've made a suggestion @ my teacher with a dad from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a mom though from California. All I can say is Pittsburgh is probably as Southern as the Carolinas. It doesn't quite cut it to New Orleans, which is a substantial place in some ways to me. It seems it was used up in modern times. That's 1 thing I didn't ask for, but can't argue. I know you have a racial inclination towards anyone who's mostly Caucasian than me. It's rather insulting that you don't understand that Chinese without that delicate heritage and nice fish in the restaurants is like dirt under your feet while Middle Easterners reigh as a buffer between you ans Asia and something you think you have under your own belt. Wow, I wasn't sure I would know how to say something like that. Funny I am blogging more now, maybe because of the singing, but I just keep changing. I know I am still being suggestive like a mistake I made, and I really don't linger on things I don't mean, and they are htings I don't mean in the 1st place..
You know, I think Lily is as Floridian as any. The European heritage is definitely nice. Something anyone wanna talk @? If I never got in trouble with Tim Burton, perhaps then important people wouldn't use actually Lily as someone against me to talk to, to rub me in the dirt under their rubber sole shoes. So, if like I never got in trouble I wouldn't be getting the "shitty" messages aobut like how other people are rasi raised above me just because of Tim. It used to be that I was reserved as someone special because I am. It wasn't @ not me. Also, I am not shit just because you meet another attractive person. How many times do I have to say that? It's only a choice, and you can chose to be a human being..
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